The Radicalized Libertarian


Constitutionalist, libertarian, Randian Objectivist, Anti-Authoritarian, Secular Deist, US Army Veteran (First Team), Former federal security contractor, former reserve peace officer, former training NCO with Texas Constitutional Militia, and former aircraft owner and pilot. Dabbled for years in legal studies, pharmacology, and veterinary medicine. A philosopher, constitutional scholar, historian, soldier, currently active wildlife rehabilitator, veterinary consultant/educator, constitutional revolutionary, oppositionally defiant general political troublemaker, and a drone operator.

Liberty Is The Law


DECLARATION OF LIFE PURPOSE The life of Barry H. Durmaz is wholly given over to Exercising, Promoting, and Defending humanity's greatest need—liberty. God's perfect law of liberty in the Lord Jesus Christ and man's best law of liberty—the U.S. Constitution. EXPLANATION OF LIFE PURPOSE The perfect law of liberty was birthed at the cross and the resurrection of Jesus Christ in A.D. 33, Who gifted the world with two kinds of liberty, both of them internal to the individual: • Spiritual liberty (freedom from sin) • Liberty of conscience Man's best law of liberty, the U.S. Constitution, protects at least four kinds of liberty external to the individual: • Religious liberty • Economic liberty • Civil liberty • Political liberty The U.S. Constitution of 1787 is the letter of American law and republican form of government. The Declaration of Independence of 1776 is the Spirit behind the letter.