Edgar Cruz Ministries


TV ONLINE: EDGAR CRUZ MINISTRIES TEMA: MINISTERIO PASTORAL: PASTOR EDGAR CRUZ MINISTERIO MAESTRO: MAESTRO EDGAR CRUZ MINISTERIO EVANGELISTICO: EVANGELISTA EDGAR CRUZ ENGLISH: EDGAR CRUZ MINISTRIES SPANISH: MINISTERIOS EDGAR CRUZ PAYPAL: COLABORA CON EL MINISTERIO https://paypal.me/evangelistaedgarcruz PAGINA WEB: https://www.labibliaresponde.com/ YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/EDGARCRUZMINISTRIESOFICIAL FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/EdgarCruzMinistries/ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/EdgarCruzMinist INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/edgarcruzministries/ TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@edgarcruzministries ARCHIVE: https://archive.org/details/@predicadoredgarcruz RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/user/edgarcruzministries PAGINAS YOUTUBE: EVANGELISTA EDGAR CRUZ: https://www.youtube.com/EVANGELISTAEDGARCRUZ PREDICADOR EDGAR CRUZ: https://www.youtube.com/PredicadorEdgarCruzOficial LABIBLIARESPONDE: https://www.youtube.com/TVLaBibliaResponde IGLESIASUNIDASENCRISTO: https://www.youtube.com/AsociaciondeIglesiasUnidasenCristo CRISTOELSALVADOR: https://www.youtube.com/IglesiaEvangelicaCristoelSalvador CANAL PERSONAL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgVQaaBiMum3jG-pnmi5W0Q PAGINAS FACEBOOK: FACEBOOK LA BIBLIA RESPONDE: https://www.facebook.com/TVLaBibliaResponde FACEBOOK IGLESIAS UNIDAS EN CRISTO: https://www.facebook.com/AsociaciondeIglesiasUnidasenCristo FACEBOOK IGLESIA CRISTO EL SALVADOR: https://www.facebook.com/IglesiaEvangelicaCristoelSalvador FACEBOOK PERSONAL: https://www.facebook.com/ingedgarcruz/ CONTACTO: +51 945442119 WHATSAPP: https://wa.me/+51945442119 SUSCRIBETE EN NUESTROS CANALES, Y AYUDANOS A DIFUNDIR EL EVANGELIO

The Sword of YHVH Ministries


YHVH (“YeHoVaH”) is the name of God the Father in Hebrew ("Jehovah" in English). This ministry is called “The Sword of YHVH” because the Word of God is likened unto a Sword, and the theme of this channel is taken from Ephesians 6:17, which reads:\r\n\r\n“Take... the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God."\r\n\r\nThe purpose of The Sword of YHVH Ministries is to raise up faithful disciples of Yeshua Messiah (Jesus Christ) by teaching and preaching the true doctrines of YeHoVaH God the Father as found in the Bible. My mission is to arm you and your children with the Lord’s most powerful weapon: HIS WORD / HIS SWORD. Properly armed with the Sword of the Spirit, you and your children will be able to do battle against the darkest and most insidious lies and temptations of Satan and come off triumphant in and through Yeshua our Lord.\r\n\r\nIn short, The Sword of YHVH Ministries is all about the TRUTH, the whole TRUTH, and nothing but the TRUTH.\r\n\r\nBe set free, in Yeshua\'s name!

World Of Documentries


world of documentaries is a curated collection of the most engaging, informative, and thought-provoking non-fiction films from around the world. The documentaries cover a wide range of subjects, including current events, history, science, technology, nature, and culture. Each film is carefully selected for its high production values, compelling storytelling, and its ability to provide a unique perspective on the world. Whether you're interested in learning about a new topic or want to deepen your understanding of an issue you're already familiar with, Rumble channel's world of documentaries has something for everyone. With new films added regularly, the collection is constantly growing and evolving, so there's always something new to discover.

Pay Attention Ministries


Pay Attention Ministries believes in the undiluted truth of the Word of God. We believe the scripture clearly point the way to Salvation. Church members we appreciate your willingness to visit our website and know more about Pay Attention Ministries. It is our passion here at Pay Attention Ministries to uncover the Mystery of the Bible and reveal it to a sick and dying world. The Lord has given us this opportunity and we will do anything in our power and ability to fulfill His will. With our loving and faithful ministry, we would very much love to have you with us in worshiping God, celebrating His goodness and sharing His words and promises to those who need it, and to those who seek for it. God bless you.