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I\'m the creator of GeekPranks. GeekPranks is a Videos pranks, comedy channel featuring funny content for the purpose of entertainment of my awesome viewers. On my channel you can find hilarious public prank videos, social experiments that\'ll change the way you think, gone wrong public bathroom pranks in the hood, and gone sexual pranks at the beach involving hot girls. You will also stumble upon a few videos of mine that\'ll make you think "WTF did I just watch?" but will still make you laugh. I\'m always thinking about the next big prank idea to make you smile or another social experiment to spread positivity around the world and wake others up about issues with our society about the homeless, racism, and more. Welcome to GeekPranks. Subscribe, grab yourself some snacks, lay back and watch a few of my videos!

Space Exploration channel


Asslamualaikum friends ! I am here for you with all of my passion .My goal is to build a community that love pets and want to see content regarding pets . I will be sharing pets vlogs and All information in accordance with birds and animals that you will love to watch .I hope we will be like a family and i will consider you as my partners .This is just a start i want you guys to get engaged with our family and share my chanel to make it vast .This will give me more energy to work hard to give my best as it should be .So its a request for All of you to subscribe to my chanel and share with your friends and family .❤️ Thats it ! Have a nice day 😊



Hello! My name is JD and I have been in the tech/IT arena for over 25 years. I have had many different jobs and have been able to work with many different types of equipment and software. There are so many options out there when you are shopping around that it can be really confusing. On this channel, I would like to help you wade through this confusion by by giving you my top 5 reviews of tech equipment and software, both of which can be used in your home or for your business. I hope I can help you in your decision making process.