GODS Miracle Food & Recipes Dr.MariaKish D.C


Gods Miricle Food & Recipes In nature exist entire pharmacy come learn and find the miracles in food. Disclaimer: No medical diagnosis given, no cures of any disease, this is energy healing that works directly with symptoms. Any medical advice is to be sought out with your primary care physicians. Accordingly, nothing in my written or verbal communication with you is intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease whatsoever. Said communication is merely a reflection of my lay opinions based on my anecdotal experience and web research, and is only designed to complement your own independent research. I could be wrong. I am not a medical doctor. Before applying any of my advice, products, or protocols, you should independently confirm the validity of said information and/or consult with a medical doctor, as appropriate to your situation and medications. If you do apply said advice, products, or protocols, you do so at your own risk and no express or implied warranty as to outcome or results is given. drkish@straightupsf.com /www.straightupsf.com

Channel Yourself Academy


Creative Healing Expression Καλωσορίσατε στην νέα δικτυακή μας κοινότητα που υποστηρίζει και προωθεί την μοναδική και ξεχωριστή σας αυθεντική σοφή φύση! Η Σχολή Εσωτερικής Θεραπευτικής & Μελέτης Στοχεύει: Να διδαχτείτε τους νόμους της πνευματικής ψυχολογίας που διακρίνονται από την ψυχική / συναισθηματική ψυχολογία. Να ξεκαθαρίστε τη φύση της Ψυχής και τις σχέσεις της με την Πηγή και την Εκδήλωση. Να αναγνωρίσετε τις σχέσεις μεταξύ της Ψυχής και του Σώματος και τις δυνατότητες τους μέσα από την Εναρμόνιση. Και πολλά άλλα που θα ανακαλύψουμε μαζί, μέσα από σεμινάρια και live streaming, διαλογισμούς και ασκήσεις! Ανακαλύψτε πώς αυτή η αρχέγονη σαμάνικη γνώση μπορεί και εφαρμόζεται στην καθημερινή μας ζωή για την επίτευξη της εναρμόνισής μας με αυτόν τον κοσμικό χορό. Namaste! Karina Alina Ardelean - Ireth Subtle Body Anatomy Practitioner 5 Elements - Shamanic Tantra Healer Spiritual Astrology - Sacred Tarot Counsellor Spiritual Artist - Activist & Life Coach

Canadian Libertarian News


I simply got tired of the lies being dispensed by the Lame Stream Media. I can no longer sit back as the Government uses our tax dollars to fund its propaganda wing. I am tired of the partisan politics. The Left Wing and the Right Wing are on the Same Bird, and that bird is a Vulture. Canadians need a source and analysis of news and topical information that they can trust, who does not follow party lines. We need someone who simply refuses to lie; who will speak Truth to Power. Someone who actually stands for Liberty. If you want something done right, as they say, do it yourself. So, Here I stand! Deal with it.