Complete in Jesus with Devin and Amber


Disability advocacy from a Christian perspective. We make videos about Christianity and disability. We're here to reveal or remind you that you're complete in Jesus Christ alone! Amber is physically disabled with a rare, genetic, neuromuscular disease called Spinal Muscular Atrophy type 2. Devin, Amber's husband, is non-disabled (except for ADHD). Amber mostly runs this channel but Devin sometimes makes an appearance. The primary goal of this channel is to fulfil the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20). We see a great need to reach the disability community with the Gospel. Without compromising, we want to be a safe place for those who have been hurt by the church with unbiblical lies and/or a lack of compassion. We also want to equip the church to respond to disability issues with biblical compassion (Matthew 25:31-46, Luke 10:25-37). Finally, we seek to destigmatize disability and interabled relationships. PS I (Amber) am slowly uploading videos we originally uploaded on YouTube here.



Siendo está información la mas reveladora a la que podrás llegar, nos hemos visto en la necesidad de difundirla por medios alternativos para facilitar su llegada a las personas que no tienen el tiempo de leer un libro tan ampuloso como lo es El Misterio de Belicena Villca, después de estudiar la obra por más de diez años y no encontrar error alguno consideramos que este tratado revisionista no solo se convierte en orientador sino que desenmascara a los verdaderos enemigos de la humanidad. La verdad es la guía que nuestro espiritu necesita para podernos reencontrar con nuestra verdadera esencia. Para disfrutar del vídeo libro remitirse a:

Fontes de Renda On-Line


Dicas de Investimentos, Educação Financeira, Economia, Criptomoedas e Formas Honestas de Ganhar Dinheiro na Internet. Nos acompanhe e veja como você pode também trabalhar e ganhar dinheiro no conforto de sua casa, usando a internet a seu favor. Um forte abraço no seu coração, que Deus te abençoe e conte sempre com a equipe do canal TopTube Fontes de Renda On-Line, em tudo o que precisar no seu dia a dia de ganhos e evolução financeira. 📶 Clique para se inscrever no canal: 📶 Contato: Um grande abraço, fique com Deus!



Description Vivímos en un mundo cambiante... Lo que antes funcionaba ya no funciona. íHay que empezar a pensar diferente! Bievenidos a tu canal de Tecnología Financiera, yo seré tu mentor y amigo FrankgdProducer. En este canal encontrarás variedad sobre Noticias, Fuentes de Ingresos, Creador de Contenido y de como la tecnología te puede llevar a lograr tener un mejor estilo de vida y alcanzar todas tus metas financiera. La tecnología ha creado oportunidades que antes no existían. Lo que antes tardaba 10 a 20 años en lograr, gracias a la tecnología podemos lograrlo en 1,2 y 3 años. íAsi que si quieres saber como mucho lo están logrando, suscríbansen y sean parte de este canal para que tu también lo puedas lograr! Muchas gracias por su apoyo, Frank Gomez - FRANGDPRODUCER

Ex-Satanist Saved by Jesus Christ


I am a follower of Jesus Christ, and I am here to share the love of God. As an ex-Satanist, I hope that by sharing my experiences, I can make others aware of how the devil deceives people into following him. If you are into Satanism or the occult, I hope this channel will bless you. Jesus loves you, and He can save you from the darkness. Nothing is too big for Him to deal with. Jesus defeated Satan on the cross, and He took your sins and mine upon Himself so that we can be forgiven. “What do you think? If any man has a hundred sheep, and one of them goes astray, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the mountains, and go and search for the one that is lost? And if it turns out that he finds it, truly I say to you, he rejoices over it more than over the ninety-nine that have not gone astray. So it is not the will of your Father who is in heaven for one of these little ones to perish." Matthew 18: 12-14 (NASB) God bless you.



Our Portal to Amazing Health and Open Hearts and Open Minds Hello there, everybody! here's the link below: Lifewave (To expand your horizons in the mental and emotional: (and the physical(, does it not have to begin with our physical bodies?) : To get the miracle of optimal health and performance at the special discounted rate: In case there is interest in buying from me personally for whatever reason: We can discuss in detail. As well, I am not adverse or too proud to accept any love donations to help me with my long-standing relationship with the number 0. I help many that are in need when I happen to have spare cash, as God takes care of me with or without the matrix society :) My email address: -Let's get the conversation started! The wheels of progress roll slowly, we may not see the markers, but that does not necessarily mean we don't know the goings-on behind the scenes! We have the inherent traits of creators, yes I said creators, because we are their progeny and are forever linked to their gene pool(s). Believe what you will about the Bible, Elohim is plural for creators or life-givers. Edin, not Eden, was a laboratory complex in the most beautiful part of the world selected for design and environmental purposes. It is the place of origin for what we know of as "man" (human being). All of what we deem as religions was designed to control man through fear, as an addiction to get to feel and think forgiven for not having to take responsibility of one's own life choices. I am in no way sorry or apprehensive about explaining the fundamental natures of our reasons for being on this world, at this particular time, in this particular moving quadrant of the multiverse. Thank you and you're welcome and please, as we aim to expand our collective and individual thinking from a high level of fundamental truth and actual reality! THERE IS TRULY SO MUCH MORE ON THE HORIZON, GUYS, AND GALS! FIRST, CONSIDER THE ANT AND THE FACT THAT ROME WASNT STARTED, FOUGHT OVER, BIURNED DOWN, REBUILT AGAIN, DIVIDED, AND REENVISIONED ALL IN ONE DISTINCT MOVEMENT OR EPISODE! MUCH LOVE AND GRATITUDE FOR YOUR LOVING PATIENCE !!! To get the miracle of optimal health and performance at the special discounted rate: In case there is interest in buying from me personally for whatever personally: We can discuss in detail. As well, I am not adverse or too proud to accept any love donations to help me with my long-standing relationship with the number 0. I help many that are in need when I happen to have spare cash, as God takes care of me with or without the matrix society :) My email address: -Let's get the conversation started!