

An independent constitutionalist "political junkie" who is NOT for the liberal, light hearted. Unapologetically speaking, whether there’s 1 person watching or 1 million. Chicago son/ Husband/ Father of 4/ Boss/ Artist Copyright Disclaimer All unowned content used is considered "fair use," in accordance with section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976 & as outlined by CMSI: (https://cmsimpact.org/code/code-best-practices-fair-use-online-video/) "Commenting on or Critiquing of Copyrighted Material. -Using copyrighted material for illustration or example. -Capturing copyrighted material incidentally or accidentally. -Reproducing, reposting, or quoting in order to memorialize, preserve, or rescue an experience, an event, or a cultural phenomenon. -Copying, restoring, and recirculating a work or part of a work for purposes of launching a discussion. -Quoting in order to recombine elements to make a new work that depends for its meaning on (often unlikely) relationships between the elements."

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