Apologetics Daily


1 Peter 3:15 reads, "But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect..." (NIV). It is with this that we start. Christians apologetics occur every day. To give answers to difficult questions, to understand the others point of view, to listen and respond effectively, we must be prepared. As Peter notes we must do so with gentleness and respect. This is where many of us fall short in sharing the reason for our faith with others. This channel is about preparation. Through our videos we hope to better prepare you for the world that lies ahead and the difficulties you will face on your journey to heaven.

The Unapologetic Hunter


The Unapologetic Hunter is a collection of content featuring friends who share a passion for the outdoors and are proud sportsmen. We are hardworking Americans that believe in God, Guns, and Freedom. We also believe that hunters are among the biggest conservationists in the world and have nothing to be ashamed of. Hunting and fishing are more than hobbies for us…it’s a family tradition we have been honoring our entire lives. It’s what we know…it’s what we enjoy…and we aren’t sorry for it! 🤷‍♂️