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Buy a Piece of Israel ®


We encourage Jews all around the world to take part in owning a piece of land in Israel. It's a Mitzva, that impacts all of us!! To have Jews from all over the world get involved by actually purchasing parts or all of large agricultural lots and then create jobs by having all Jewish labor manage fruit producing produce with a percentage of yield going to the new land owners. This is a win-win-win-win situation. First, by Jews purchasing the land with a long term goal, our enemies can not. Second, by working the land, Jewish labor and residency in the local areas increase. Third, since the land will be managed regularly, the potential squatters will have to look elsewhere. And finally, instead of making a donation, the purchaser owns something in the Land of Israel that will also give him/her a modest profit and he/she fulfills the commandment of owning land in Eretz Yisrael.