

Songwriter, Artist, Guitar/Fretted Instrument Instructor Ivan the "Upgrade" not because I am "better", I am not. Nor am I trying to indicate that I am, I am not. Upgrade because I'm trying every day to be a better Ivan than I was the day before. Upgrade because I am more committed to God & family & America the Great than ever before. Upgrade because I am "Passionately Pursuing my Purpose" I pray. & Upgrade because there's already a lot of "Ivan the Terrible" & "Ivan the Great" and on & on... having the name "Ivan" makes people want to and naturally or instinctively go there... go to "Ivan the _____(fill in the blank)" So, I filled in the blank & took the moniker "Ivan the Upgrade" to call myself to a life of God given purpose intent to fulfill that purpose, as a sinner, sometimes failing & sometimes hitting the mark. I hope to hit my mark more often & I practice towards perfection & upgrade myself day after day. I also like using a lower case "t" in Ivan the Upgrade because I love and appreciate my savior Jesus Christ. Amen.



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