Truth does not become more true by virtue of the fact that the entire world agrees with it, nor less so even if the whole world disagrees with it.


As the Left takes the reigns of power, this channel will focus on providing content that is both relevant to exposing the hypocrisy, corruption and abuse of the Left, plus keeping our subscriber informed on current conservative news. We will not use content that attempts to deceive, but rather publish content that is data driven and fact checked by our editors. We believe in using the scientific method for assembling data to solve social challenges of today. Hence the reason for our channel name: The Truth. "Truth does not become more true by virtue of the fact that the entire world agrees with it, nor less so even if the whole world disagrees with it." MAIMONIDES As Google and other media giants continue to censor conservative content even more, we will respond by fighting to get the facts to you nonetheless.

Lighting The Candle - A World That Works Podcast


ighting The Candle inspires hope in a world of negativity, fear, and uncertainty. The podcast Lighting The Candle: A World That Works, hosted by Bill Correll, celebrates the transformative power of communication and ideas. Shining a Light on Positivity: We believe in human decency and constructive change. While headlines generally focus on our problems, our program highlights the bright spots and inspiring stories that go overlooked. We recognize ideas and efforts that are improving our global community through uplifting and thought-provoking conversations. Casting a Warm Glow on Hope: The podcast illuminates hope and progress in a dark world. Our podcast covers the many ways people and communities are changing the world, from grassroots movements and inventive solutions to kindness and compassion. Through stories of strength, tenacity, and togetherness, we remind listeners that hope is possible even in hardship.

The Important Things That Really Matter With Keir


Keir (key-air) is a automotive engineer with 20 years experience in automotive manufacturing. He saved one fortune 500 company about $20 million over a 10 year period. He is also a: spoken word poet, music producer, music composer, studio engineer and has released 5 spoken word poetry and music CD's. The music behind his high-quality poetry is a fusion of jazz and neo soul with a r&b influence. His spoken word poetry and music has encouraged, inspired and uplifted thousands of people. The MP3 links are below. For the people who subscribe to this channel, this channel will help many save thousands upon thousands of dollars and/or save many a whole lot of pain and suffering from life. This channel will talk about business, being an entrepreneur, relationships and music production. Links Below Keir (key-air) music below, Get A Copy Or Two. Please Donate to the following links below to support this channel. This channel will save many people thousands upon thousands of Dollars and save many people a lot of pain and suffering especially when avoiding picking the wrong person for marriage. Click on the links below to support.$Keirmusicpoetry

Providing Motivation and Sales Lessons that can Create Financial Abundance via Merchant Sales


In this channel, you will find detailed merchant service sales tips & motivation from real-life journeys/adventures meant to encourage you to OWN YOUR LIFE To OWN YOUR LIFE means to have freedom of time, money, & health. This business creates 2 of those, and I am here to help you achieve it quicker than figuring it out by yourself. Visit the links below for additional resources Become a PRO!!! Just copy what works in EZ Pay's 28 Day Merchant Sales Mastery Course - Join Joe Wagner & the EZ Team for training, support, and systems to operate your business at View our Sales Partner's testimonials about their success and what to expect when working with EZ Pay at Download the free eBook "If I Lost It All Today" at For an overview of all Joe Wagner's coaching, gear, and announcements visit