Living Life in Holiness and Righteousness


This channel is meant to speak on the true life a Christian should live and how to do so. All I teach is biblical based meaning you can go into the Bible and very it for yourself. I believe in holiness inside and outside according to Luke 11:37-44 which tells us that we must be holy on the inside and the outside. My email is You can message me there and we can talk on Biblical things and whatever you feel you need help with. This is my Youtube account for ministry: Also, here is the Channel ID in case the youtube channel link does not work for you: UCUqZP9piD5BaA_4pCW5RlZw



BitChute: Contact: MaxFranceMedia@[hotmale].com Gab: Memes: Minds: Odysee: Rumble: SaidIt: Sovren: (EVCG, #EVCG; TheRealEVCG, #TheRealEVCG; Evidence Violates Community Guidelines, #EvidenceViolatesCommunityGuidelines. Flipping Pyramids, #FlippingPyramids; Humanity Hootenanny, #HumanityHootenanny; Outrageously Inoffensive, #OutrageouslyInoffensive; Spiritual Reconquista, #SpiritualReconquista; Wignatty Dreadloxism, #WignattyDreadloxism)

Bianca For San Francisco


Revolution in San Francisco FACEBOOK: ☞ THREADS: ☞ INSTAGRAM: ☞ TWITCH: ☞ LinkTREE: ☞ SubSTACK: ☞ PublicKEY: ☞ ❤ Donate: 🔗 Website: 📬 Newsletters: 👕 Merch: #Bianca4SF #universalbasicincome #defundthepolice #TaxTheRich #WealthTax #medicareforall #greennewdeal #WFPAssembly #blacklivesmatter #BLM #endqualifiedimmunity #Democrats #liberals #progressives #leftisbest #democrat #sanfrancisco #california

Francewhoa • Praises of GOOD behaviors • UD • En


Summary Unlimited duration video clips. About a wide range of authors. And their praises of GOOD behaviours. In English. --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- My Other Channel • Critics of EVIL behaviours at (Link to come) --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- F.A.Q. • What does "Francewhoa" means? My nickname. • What do "ud", "g" and "En" mean? Abbreviations for long video clip extracts of unlimited duration (ud). From a wide range of authors. And their praises of GOOD (g) behaviours. In English (En). • What do you mean by "GOOD" behaviours? An example of a good behaviour is Love. Within the context of Good versus Evil behaviours, what is Love? It means behaviours such as "human KINDNESS, COMPASSION, and AFFECTION, as the UNSELFISH loyal and benevolent concern for the GOOD of ANOTHER". Towards one's self, or other humans, or animals. ___• Read more about Love at: ______• ______• ___• Image LOVE at ______• --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Fair Use Disclaimer I neither created nor claim copyright for the short video extracts published on this channel. The links to both the sources and their copyright, if any, is in the description of each video. To encourage the video creators to do more videos, you are welcome to follow this link to my sources. Toward finding the video creators' full content. Then show them your support in any ways to both the video creators and your liking. My intention with short video extracts uploaded to this channel is for criticism or comment or educating or news reporting or parody, or research or satire purposes. Related legal details about "17 U.S. Code § 107 - Limitations on exclusive rights: Fair use" at: • ___• • ___• --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Blog Disclaimer • This blog is about expressing my opinions, feelings, and thoughts. Nothing else. In other words, but not limited to, my blog is NOT a recommendation, NOT an advice, NOT a call for violence to self or others, NOT an endorsement. If you need recommendation of any kind, such as but not limited to, medical or legal recommendation, I suggest considering asking an appropriate professional to your liking. I suggest choosing one without conflict of interest. • I am NOT affiliated with the author(s), or product(s), or service(s) in this blog • I do NOT have a conflict of interest with the author(s), or product(s), or service(s) in this blog. I am not a sales representative of those. • My opinions, feelings, thoughts expressed in this blog are my own. NOT those of a company. --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Note to myself IDU_20240403_203659

Francewhoa • Critics of EVIL behaviors • 15m • En


Summary Mostly up to 15 minutes video clips. About a wide range of authors. And their critics of EVIL behaviours. In English. --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- My Other Channel • Praises of GOOD behaviours at (Link to come) --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- F.A.Q. • What does "Francewhoa" means? My nickname. • What do "15m", "e" and "En" mean? Abbreviations for video clip extracts of up to 15 minutes (15m). From a wide range of authors. And their critics of EVIL (e) behaviours. In English (En). • What do you mean by "EVIL" behaviours? Within the context of Good versus Evil behaviours, what is Evil? It means behaviours such as "ANGER, REVENGE, FEAR, HATRED, PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAUMA, EXPEDIENCY, SELFISHNESS, IGNORANCE, DESTRUCTION or NEGLECT." Towards one's self, or other humans, or animals. ___• Read more about Evil at: ______• ______• ___• Image EVIL at ______• --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Fair Use Disclaimer I neither created nor claim copyright for the short video extracts published on this channel. The links to both the sources and their copyright, if any, is in the description of each video. To encourage the video creators to do more videos, you are welcome to follow this link to my sources. Toward finding the video creators' full content. Then show them your support in any ways to both the video creators and your liking. My intention with short video extracts uploaded to this channel is for criticism or comment or educating or news reporting or parody, or research or satire purposes. Related legal details about "17 U.S. Code § 107 - Limitations on exclusive rights: Fair use" at: • ___• • ___• --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Blog Disclaimer • This blog is about expressing my opinions, feelings, and thoughts. Nothing else. In other words, but not limited to, my blog is NOT a recommendation, NOT an advice, NOT a call for violence to self or others, NOT an endorsement. If you need recommendation of any kind, such as but not limited to, medical or legal recommendation, I suggest considering asking an appropriate professional to your liking. I suggest choosing one without conflict of interest. • I am NOT affiliated with the author(s), or product(s), or service(s) in this blog • I do NOT have a conflict of interest with the author(s), or product(s), or service(s) in this blog. I am not a sales representative of those. • My opinions, feelings, thoughts expressed in this blog are my own. NOT those of a company. --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Note to myself IDU_20240403_203659



France Inter vous propose de retrouver sur YouTube ses contenus humour, BD, médias, politique et musique. De Pierre-Emmanuel Barré à Charline Vanhoenacker en passant par le direct live, les leçons de musique d\'André Manoukian et l\'émission "Questions Politique", venez vivre ici une autre expérience de la radio. Journaux, reportages, interviews, chroniques, émissions... Retrouvez tout France Inter en réécoute, podcasts, images et vidéos sur