MMA Fight Talk


Dedicated to providing you with the most comprehensive coverage of the sport, ensuring you stay informed and engaged. Top-notch content that caters to MMA fans. From breaking news about upcoming fights, fight card predictions, and post-fight analysis, I cover it all. I am committed to helping viewers enhance their understanding and appreciation of MMA, keep them informed, and improve their combat training performance, and fitness. That's why I have created an exclusive free eBook "Combat Training Essentials." This comprehensive guide covers a range of topics, including nutrition, injury prevention, and conditioning. It's packed with valuable insights, practical tips, and advice to help you optimize your performance on the mat. Knowledge is power, and by equipping yourself with the right information, you can take your MMA training to the next level. Don't miss out on all the action!



JOIN OUR CONGREGATION AND THE MOVEMENT TO RECLAIM AMERICA! Worldwide Whites only yet open & transparent for all to see. No hate, no violence, no idiots. Our goals... 1st: Remove the "Root Problem" / "Head of the Snake" that have gotten The West here in the first place. 2nd: Get Africans back to Africa where they can thrive and accomplish without any obstacles holding them back. 3rd: Demand without compromise everyone else who doesn't belong return to hence they came to better their own Homeland. Simple, right? LOVE, PEACE, AND SEPARATION.

Fight and Revive with Adam Boyer


The lack of truly conservative show hosts and shows is really astounding. Most mainstream Republicans will bend on some issues. Not Adam Boyer! He's here to inform, entertain, and encourage you to act and fight and revive this country, bringing it back to the conservative and Christian values which it has strayed so far from. This is The Adam Boyer Show! The goal is to upload at least two videos a week, so subscribe and turn on notifications to stay updated with all the content!

SF Highlights


Slap Fight Highlights is rumble channel dedicated to the exciting and intense world of competitive slapping. Our channel features videos of slap fights between some of the world's strongest and most skilled competitors, showcasing their incredible technique and strength as they try to deliver the ultimate knockout slap. Our videos include full matches, highlights, and interviews with the competitors, giving viewers an inside look into this fascinating and unique sport. Whether you're a fan of combat sports or simply looking for something new and exciting to watch, Slap Fight has something for you. Follow now and join us for the ultimate showdowns in the world of slapping!