CastBrothers Podcast


Somos um Canal de podcast no Japão com o intuito de unir a comunidade brasileira, apresentando pessoas que possam inspirar e mesmo ajudar a superar medos e dificuldades que todos temos aqui. Às sextas feiras os brasileiros empreendedores, que conseguiram o sonho de trabalhar por conta própria, ser seu próprio chefe e ajudar as pessoas com a paixão que os move. Que passaram pelo medo do fracasso , colhem os bons frutos e vão te contar suas histórias , dar dicas de como chegar lá e te inspirar a chegar onde você deseja. Às quartas vamos trazer quem, de algum modo prestam algum tipo de serviço . Que contribui alegrando , contando sua história de superação , os que doam seu tempo ajudando os outros e que conseguiram chegar lá, mesmo com as dificuldades!

Generally, cats, dogs or other pet guardians, you are responsible for loving and nurturing them with kindness and care, including protection.


Generally, cats, dogs or other pet guardians, you are responsible for loving and nurturing them with kindness and care, including Prevention of pain, disease and injury Make your pet live by their natural behavior through play, rehearsal and interaction Provide adequate partnerships to meet the emotional and social needs / training of your pet, despite close and daily interactions with people A healthy diet is appropriate for the age and needs of your pet. E.g. Animal feed such as fish bones are dangerous for cats Appropriate environment e.g. Comfortable and safe shelter, suitable toilet (separate from eating and sleeping), toys and emotional stimulation

Kolachi Films is where you can watch short dramas, short films, short movies, comedy plays, and many other videos.

2 Followers Kolachi Films is where you can watch short dramas, short films, short movies, comedy plays, and many other videos. All types of contents and stories based on social, inspirational, and motivational videos. It is our humble request to all of you to please like, share, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for upcoming projects. These videos are only entertainment to watch and enjoy, no rex short this video as this is a copy right video. Thank you so much for the support. ============ THE KOLACHI FILMS INFO ============ Connect Us: Youtube: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: TikTok: Snack video: Thanks Regards.