Channel For Dog


The first period of a puppy prospect's life is normally spent in socialization rather than formal training. Large formal organizations often use puppy foster parents during the pups first year and the pup grows up in a normal family environment surrounded by the sights, sounds and smells of the type of environment they will later work in, learning to be clean and toilet trained, confident and happy.[7][8] Owner Trainers raise their pups themselves, so the dog lives with the same person who will later be their handler, but will also focus on giving the puppy confidence, play experiences and socialisation in the environments they will later work in.

Casey Gordon Howard


I've been learning to play keyboards, guitar, and bass for the past several years. This channel will consist of song playthroughs on some or all of these instruments, usually covers. I know the videos are not perfect, but I never will be, and I've slowly learned to be okay with that. It is impossible for me to record a perfect playthrough, but I do the best I can. I mainly just have fun playing songs that I enjoy. I upload both as a catalogue for the songs I've done, and also in case anyone else can find some enjoyment in it. If you decide to stick around, thanks so much! If not, no hard feelings.