Melbourne Rail History


A history of the Melbourne (Australia) metropolitan rail network, from the era of private railway companies, to the advent of underground railways in Melbourne, and beyond. The focus is on the provision of a regular passenger service, and things such as track duplication, grade separations, etc. are all ignored. Where does Melbourne begin and end for the purposes of this history? Although not yet part of the electrified network, Melton and Wyndham Vale fall within the urban growth boundary. On the other hand, Stony Point is included, as is operated by Metro Trains, though not electrified. For simplicity, modern names of the lines and modern names of extant stations are used/mentioned. Victorian railway operators have had a propensity to change station names at the drop of a hat, so many items in this history reflect this. Constructive feedback is welcome. I will read the comments, and do my best to make appropriate changes, especially where sources are referenced.