3 years agoIECV PBV #116 - 👀 Jumper The Zebra Finch Playing, Jumping, And Singing 🐤2-25-2020IEnjoyCreatingVideos
3 years agoIECV PBV #113 - 👀 Jumper The Zebra Finch Sings A Little For Us 🐤11-9-2019IEnjoyCreatingVideos
3 years agoIECV PBV #112 - 👀 Jumper The Zebra Finch Taking It Easy On The Perch 🐤11-9-2019IEnjoyCreatingVideos
1 year agoDiamond firetail, zebra finch, and chestnut breasted munia singingTropical Aviary Birds - Torben Dehlholm