Yuval Noah Harari | "If People Think Texts Are Sacred And AI Is Better Than Humans At Reading And Writing Texts Then AIs Could Take Over Religion." + "Memphis Perhaps There Are New God Will Come From." - Elon Musk
Yuval Noah Harari | "People Writing Emails. Many People Say, Oh I'm Too Busy, I'll Just Tell ChatGPT to Write a Polite Letter That Says No. On the Other Side You Have Another Human That Says to ChapGPT Tell Me, What Did They Say?"
April 8th 2024 | The NASA Serpent Deity Mission, Great American Solar Eclipse, Red Heifers, CERN, A.I. Re-Writing the Bible, Purple Rain Above CERN, Euphrates Drying Up + The Great Reset In 7 Minutes & 49 Seconds
Elon Musk | "If You Think of the Brain Like a Computer or a Circle Board. The Vast Majority of Diseases or Brain Issues Are Fixable With a Neuralink Device. It's a Fine Device for Reading & Writing Electrical Signals In the Brain."
April 8th 2024 | The Simpson's CERN-Related Shows & Predictions + NASA Serpent Deity Mission, April 8th Solar Eclipse, Red Heifers, CERN, A.I. Re-Writing Bible, CERN Caused Black Holes & Euphrates Drying Up