Banking Collapse | "The Real Problem Is the Bond Market Is Crashing. I'm Concerned About IRAs, Pension Plans. Buy Silver. Buy Gold. The Fed And the FDIC Are Signaling Hyper-Inflation." - Robert Kiyosaki (The Best-Selling Author of Rich Dad
Business Podcasts | From $70,000 to $1.5 Million In Sales | Celebrating the Jordan & Danica Norman Success Story & the Growth of + Rich Dad Poor Dad Co-Author (Sharon Lechter) You Can't Delegate Financials
Business Podcast | "Most People Struggle Financially Because They Take Advice from Sales People, Not Rich People." - Kiyosaki (Best-Selling Author of Rich Dad Series) + Why You Must Only Seek Advice from Successful People
How to Overcome Adversity | "I Bombed & My Dad Was There. It Was a Terrible Feeling." + "I Ate It There Too! Oh It Was Humiliating! I Had That Glazed Look." - Adam Sandler (Comedian Whose Films Have Grossed $2 Billion)