Judge w/Col Macgregor/Ru FM Lavrov: USA Started the War in Ukraine and is Cobelligerent. The Best Analysis of Woke-NATO vs Russia in Former Ukraine “CeaseFire” Proposal
DEI & Woke Policies Caused DCA Crash that Killed 67: President Trump signs executive order to investigate “DEI & Woke Policies” Biden imposed on the FAA.
PRESIDENT TRUMP IS LIVID: Partial Cease Fire Lasted 2 Hrs. Kiev Jews with Woke NATO Homosexuals Residing in Former Ukraine, Attacked Russian Gas Pumping Stations
Prof Diesen w/Prof Sachs: Trump is the First President Who Took Successfully on Woke Deep State. He actually can save the World. Woke NATO is in State of War with Russia since Homosexuals started shooting Missiles Deep in to Her.
Dr Roberts: Industrial Power of USA was Created by Way of Tariffs. Russia-China is Not Our Enemy. The Woke Democrats, Woke NATO-EU Perverts, Brown and Muslim Invaders of White Christian Countries Are Our Deadly Enemy.