Univ of Vermont: A Wicked Jezebel Female Student Confronts Me, I Rebuke Her & Tell Her To Shut Her Mouth, This Draws A Crowd of 70-75 Students Encircling Me, One of THE MOST Mocking & Vile Crowds EVER, I Shake The Dust Off My Feet And Leave!!!
I Am Proven A True Prophet of Yah: Jesus HATES You America and Sent Hurricane Helene & Now Sends A Judgment Twice As Bad -- Hurricane Milton Cat 5 -- Because Jesus and His Father Hate Your Wicked trump, Jesus Hates Your Wicked Backslidings, Repent Ame
T-Minus 0 Days Until Trump The Antichrist Becomes President-Elect, Melania Celebrates The Murder of Unborn Children, Trump Celebrates Cutting Up Little Children's Genitalia, Trump Celebrates Sodomy, Will You Wicked Trump Supporters Repent Or Burn?
Re-Upload: As The Anti-Christ Prepares To Ascend To His White House Throne, A Multi-Media Presentation To Warn The Wicked and Prepare The Saints: Trump vs The 144,000