Kash Patel | TRUMP, DESANTIS & the Red Wave + 9 Urgent Updates from Kash Patel | Why Are Paul Ryan & Establishment Republicans Pushing for DESANTIS & Attempting to Push Out President TRUMP? What Happened to the Red Wave? + Mel K
Red Wave | Is A Red Wave Headed for America? "I Think the Red Wave That Is Coming Will Be Like the Elevator Doors Opening Up In the Shining." - Joe Rogan
General Flynn On Bannon's War Room | "We Are The Great ReAwakening versus The Great Reset." | 31 Tickets Remain for Branson, MO (Nov. 4th & 5th) + Tickets Now On Sale for Nashville, TN (Jan. 20th - 21st)
General Flynn | Want to WAKE UP Your Family Friends? This Show Will Do It!!! Climate Justice: NEW 10 Universal Commandments?! | Why Is Pastor Creflo Dollar Endorsing Pro-Abortion Stacy Abrams? Is a Red Wave Coming to America?