NASA EDGE nano Game Changing Development (GCD) Program Office is exploring nanotechnology. GCD Program Manager, Steve Gaddis, and his team highlight how this technology is being used in sensors and various materials.
TIME IS UP in This Illusory Linear Game. You CAN'T Save the World Any Further (Just Try!) Next?: Building a New World Within and Amongst Your Own Created Healthy Communities. | "You Will Stay with What You Have Created" —Dolores Cannon
DOUBLE FEATURE: Body of Evidence (1993 Full Movie) [Thriller/Crime] | Dangerous Game (1993 Full Movie) [Thriller/Dark Drama] | 🚨 𝑾𝑨𝑹𝑵𝑰𝑵𝑮: Both Films are Rated "R" for Strong Language and Sexually Explicit Content.