In the end, it all comes down to the fact that we weren’t dying fast enough, and that more and more of us were questioning the decisions of our (s)elected ‘supreme rulers’.
Mike in the Night! E557, BS BIRD FLU AHEAD! , Stabbing Spree in Australia, World Leaders Purposefully forcing us into WAR , Massive Censorship WARS, Next weeks news Today! , Headline News!, Steve the Plumber call ins and updates us.
(2020) DARPA-ITU PANACEA: Remotely controlling cells wirelessly with Your mobile phone, Implantable bioelectronic devices Including engineered Ecoli/Bacteria fluorescent bionanosensors
General Laura J. Richardson did a sit down discussion with the Atlantic Council where it sure sounds like she’s saying the US government is trying to arm Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua with brand new U.S. equipment in exchange for them giving their old..
Mike in the Night! E551 - SOMETHING WILL HAPPEN TO BIDEN MAJOR MENTAL BREAKDOWN in 3 weeks ! Democrats will jump ship!, Anna Key on A Generator As Australia Experiences Rolling Blackouts, No way Jose Discusses the fall of Chicago Illinois, Fake Economy b