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  1. My Mother's Been in ICU For 2 Months Ventilated & Tracheostomy Unable to Wean, Can She Go Home?

    My Mother's Been in ICU For 2 Months Ventilated & Tracheostomy Unable to Wean, Can She Go Home?

  2. My Son Died in Intensive Care After a Blocked Tracheostomy, Should I Get a Medical Record Review?

    My Son Died in Intensive Care After a Blocked Tracheostomy, Should I Get a Medical Record Review?

  3. My Dad's in ICU with Tracheostomy, ICU Wants to Remove the Tracheostomy Despite the Trachea Cuff Up?

    My Dad's in ICU with Tracheostomy, ICU Wants to Remove the Tracheostomy Despite the Trachea Cuff Up?

  4. Dad's in ICU With a Pressure Sore, Can He Be Weaned Off The Ventilator& Tracheostomy Simultaneously?

    Dad's in ICU With a Pressure Sore, Can He Be Weaned Off The Ventilator& Tracheostomy Simultaneously?

  5. Dad isn't Improving on the Ventilator&ICU Says Tracheostomy Not Feasible Despite Advanced Care Plan!

    Dad isn't Improving on the Ventilator&ICU Says Tracheostomy Not Feasible Despite Advanced Care Plan!

  6. More Evidence Why Only ICU Nurses Are Safe to Nurse Ventilated/Tracheostomy Adults&Children at Home!

    More Evidence Why Only ICU Nurses Are Safe to Nurse Ventilated/Tracheostomy Adults&Children at Home!

  7. My Mother's in ICU Needing Tracheostomy After Heart Attack,Can INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME Take Her Home?

    My Mother's in ICU Needing Tracheostomy After Heart Attack,Can INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME Take Her Home?

  8. My 45-Year-Old Wife Had Cardiac Arrest 3 Weeks Ago In ICU, Ventilated & Tracheostomy, Not Waking Up!

    My 45-Year-Old Wife Had Cardiac Arrest 3 Weeks Ago In ICU, Ventilated & Tracheostomy, Not Waking Up!

  9. More Evidence Why LTAC's& SNF's in the US Need Avoidance At All Cost for Ventilation & Tracheostomy!

    More Evidence Why LTAC's& SNF's in the US Need Avoidance At All Cost for Ventilation & Tracheostomy!

  10. Is it a Good Idea to have My Dad's Tracheostomy Removed in ICU Whilst Still Needing Noradrenaline?

    Is it a Good Idea to have My Dad's Tracheostomy Removed in ICU Whilst Still Needing Noradrenaline?

  11. My Husband has been in ICU 4 Months, He Needs TPN and has a Tracheostomy. Can He Go Home?

    My Husband has been in ICU 4 Months, He Needs TPN and has a Tracheostomy. Can He Go Home?

  12. ICU Wants to Give Palliative Care to My Dad&Take Him Off Ventilation & Tracheostomy, Can He go Home?

    ICU Wants to Give Palliative Care to My Dad&Take Him Off Ventilation & Tracheostomy, Can He go Home?

  13. Quick Tip for Families in ICU: Should You Go to LTAC from ICU with Ventilation/Tracheostomy?

    Quick Tip for Families in ICU: Should You Go to LTAC from ICU with Ventilation/Tracheostomy?

  14. My 87-Year-Old Mother is in ICU For 4 Months with Ventilation,Tracheostomy&Dialysis, Can She Go Home

    My 87-Year-Old Mother is in ICU For 4 Months with Ventilation,Tracheostomy&Dialysis, Can She Go Home

  15. A Blueprint for Hospital Discharge with Tracheostomy with INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME!

    A Blueprint for Hospital Discharge with Tracheostomy with INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME!

  16. My Husband's Back in ICU with Tracheostomy&Nasogastric Tube,Can INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME Get Him Home?

    My Husband's Back in ICU with Tracheostomy&Nasogastric Tube,Can INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME Get Him Home?

  17. My Dad had a Stroke, Pneumonia & is in ICU, Ventilated with Tracheostomy, Can He Go Home?

    My Dad had a Stroke, Pneumonia & is in ICU, Ventilated with Tracheostomy, Can He Go Home?

  18. What's the Best Home Care Option for My Ventilated&Tracheostomy&SMA 17-Year-Old Girl in Australia?

    What's the Best Home Care Option for My Ventilated&Tracheostomy&SMA 17-Year-Old Girl in Australia?

  19. My 72 Year-Old Mom's been in ICU for 6 Weeks After Stroke,Tracheostomy& Ventilated, Can She Go Home?

    My 72 Year-Old Mom's been in ICU for 6 Weeks After Stroke,Tracheostomy& Ventilated, Can She Go Home?

  20. My Mother's Been in ICU for 5 Days After Cardiac Arrest, ICU Says Tracheostomy or Let Her Die! Help!

    My Mother's Been in ICU for 5 Days After Cardiac Arrest, ICU Says Tracheostomy or Let Her Die! Help!

  21. Husband is in ICU 14 Weeks with Guillain Barre Syndrome on Ventilator& Tracheostomy. Can He Go Home?

    Husband is in ICU 14 Weeks with Guillain Barre Syndrome on Ventilator& Tracheostomy. Can He Go Home?

  22. 24/7 ICU Nurses Needed at Home for Ventilated/ Tracheostomy Clients to Avoid Death& ICU Readmissions

    24/7 ICU Nurses Needed at Home for Ventilated/ Tracheostomy Clients to Avoid Death& ICU Readmissions
