Jessie Believes George Bush Snr Was Executed for his Crimes Against Humanity and Children, Made a Deal, Envelopes Handed Out at his Funeral + Over 180,000 Indictments (June 2020) Doesn't Include Top Levels, Only Mid-Level People Who Run the System
Timothy Charles Holmseth is Credible, Top Illuminati Assassins were Hired to Kill Him, That Doesn't Happen if There is No Perceived Threat + The Pentagon Pedophile Task Force (PPTF) is Real, Trump Said There Was No Presidential PPTF
Top Level Black Magician Who Refuses to Take Human Life, Uses His Own Blood to the Detriment of His Own Health + Prayers and Pinning Molech to a Wall Kek
Jessie's Father Was Not in the System, Even Though There's a Bloodline Connection + Jessie's Mother Went Through the Program, She Was Broken and then Endured Many Years of Gaslighting on Top of That i.e. Saying She Must Have Imagined it all
Luciferian Infiltration of the Catholic Church, Historic Warnings + Vatican 2, Corruption at the Top, Satanic Symbolism + Holy See, Group of People Hidden in the Background, Connected to the Elite Hierarchy, Shadow Church