3 months agoThird Eye Chakra Sound Healing 💜 Celestial Body Aura 🟣 852hz 💫 Vivaldi 🎶alphaaurahealingVerified
3 months agoThird Eye Chakra Sound Healing 💜 Celestial Body Aura 🟣 852hz 💫 Mendelssohn 🎶alphaaurahealingVerified
1 year ago963Hz Miracle Tones Activate Pineal Gland Open Third Eye Heal Heart Chakrasolfeggio frequencies
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2 years agoClearing the Aura of Negative Energies Law of Attraction Open Your Third Eye in 15 MinutesCrafts, diy, meditation, sports and movies
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2 years agoThird Eye Chakra/Ajna (Sixth Chakra) Activation, Balance and Healing MeditationRaise Your Frequency and Embody Who You Are
1 year ago852Hz + 639Hz Miracle Tones I Balance AlignHeart Chakra I Activate Pineal Gland | Open Third EyeRelax & Rejuvenate with Jason Stephenson
1 year ago852Hz Solfeggio Frequency-AWAKE INNER GUIDANCE/SPIRITUAL ORDER/CELL Energy-Third Eye Chakra-PureToneSounds of Silence