2 years agoSHOCKING - Just Released State of Theology 2022 Survey by RC SproulChristian News Reformed
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2 years agoA Survey of Christian Theology - Lecture #12 - Angelology & SatanologyThinking on Scripture
1 year agoA Survey of Christian Theology - Lecture #24 - The Great Tribulation & Second Coming of ChristThinking on Scripture
1 year agoA Survey of Christian Theology - Lecture #26 - Millennial Kingdom & Judgment of Satan and DemonsThinking on Scripture
1 year agoA Survey of Christian Theology - Lecture #22 - Sabbath/Lord's Day - Gentiles in History & ProphecyThinking on Scripture
1 year agoA Survey of Christian Theology - Lecture #23 - Israel; & Events Preceding the Second ComingThinking on Scripture
1 year agoA Survey of Christian Theology - Lecture #25 - Resurrections & Judgements of Israel and GentilesThinking on Scripture
2 years agoA Survey of Christian Theology - Lecture #7 - Jesus' Second Coming; Holy Spirit, His PersonalityThinking on Scripture
2 years agoA Survey of Christian Theology - Lecture #13 - The Creation & Fall of MankindThinking on Scripture
2 years agoA Survey of Christian Theology - Lecture #9 - The Holy Spirit: Baptism, Indwelling, Sealing, FillingThinking on Scripture
2 years agoA Survey of Christian Theology - Lecture #8 - The Holy Spirit: Advent, RegenerationThinking on Scripture
2 years agoA Survey of Christian Theology - Lecture #4 - God the Son: His Deity and IncarnationThinking on Scripture
2 years agoA Survey of Christian Theology - Lecture #6 - God the Son: His Ascension, Priestly Ministry, RaptureThinking on Scripture