Alex Jones | Alex Jones Joins Roger Stone to Discuss What Is Inside the COVID-19 Shots and the History of Alex Jones & INFOWars Program + 7 Tickets Remain for the Nashville ReAwaken America Tour Event
ReAwaken America Tour | 22 Days Until the ReAwaken America Tour Las Vegas, Nevada (August 25th & 26th 2023) | Request Tickets Today At- 918-851-0102 or at!!!! + "I've Never Been On a Live Show With Fire." - Kas
Mosquitos | "Oxitec Began Releasing 140,000 Male Eggs In 6 Locations Along the Keys That Is Part of a Live Experiment Green Lit by the EPA." - TODAY + "When It Comes to Killing Humans No Other Animal Is Nearly As Deadly As the Mosquito.&quo
Yuval Noah Harari | "Increasingly It's Not a Human That Will Decide What Will Happen With You. A.I. Can Create Ideas By Itself. So Maybe In Just a Very Few Years We Will Live In A World In Which Most Decisions Are Not Taken By Humans."
Dr. Jim Meehan, MD | “And You Can See How God Is Bringing Us Together At A Time Like This, A Dystopian Nightmare We Are Living In Where Our Own Government Is Attacking Our Own People.” - Dr. Jim Meehan, MD
Eric Early | “Antifa Is An American Terrorist Organization. They Are Joined At The Hip With This Other Group That Should Be Called CLM For Communist Lives Matter.” - Eric Early
CBDC | "Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism and All This, They Are Just from the Past 3,0000 Years. It's Yesterday Morning In Terms of Human History. We Are Talking About People That Lived 50,000 Years Before the Bible, Before Jesus"
ReAwaken America Tour | ReAwaken America Tour Las Vegas, NV (August 25th & 26th 2023) | 131 Tickets Remain | Request Tickets Via Text 918-851-0102 or!! "I've Never Been On a Live Show With Fire." - Kash Patel
Yuval Noah Harari | "Why Do We Live In Nation-States, Why Do We Use Money And We Believe In Gods? Why Is Capitalism the Dominant Economic System? Why Do Families Look They Way They Are?" - Yuval Noah Harari
CBDCs | Central Bank Digital Currencies | "You End Up Living What Feels Like a Black Mirror Episode." - Maajid Nawaz (Political Activist / Radio Presenter)