Eric Trump | Eric Trump's Full RNC Speech | "You are the greatest fighter I have ever seen, The whole world saw your strength as you stood up, you wiped the blood off your face & you put your fist in the air." - 7/18/24
Julie Green | Julie Interviews Clay Clark + Why Christians Must Stand Up for Biblical Principles Including: Being Pro-Life, Being Pro Biblical Marriage, Being Anti-Transhumanism, Being Anti-Mark-Of-The-Beast CBDCs, etc.
Joe Rogan | Why Did Joe Rogan Read Revelation Chapter 13: 16-18 On His Podcast? - July 18th 2023 - Joe Rogan Experience #2009 Featuring Duncan Trussell (American Actor & Stand-up Comic)
Tucker Carlson | Tucker Carlson's Full RNC Speech | "Everything Was Different After That Moment. When He Stood Up After Being Shot In the Face & Put His Hand Up. That Was a Transformation. It Was Divine Intervention" - 7/18/24
Trump Assassination Prophecy | Kim Clement's Trump Prophecies | "I Saw Trump Rising Up And I Saw An Attempt On His Life. This Bullet Flew By His, It Came So Close to His Head!" - Brandon Biggs (March 14th 2024)
Peter Navarro | Peter Navarro Sentenced to 4 Months In Prison | One of the Chief Architects of the TRUMP Administration's Economy & the Man Who Stood Up to China with Tough Trade Deals Has Been Sentenced to 4