COVID-19 Shots | What Is the Purpose of the COVID-19 Shots? The ENTIRE Intra-Body-Nano-Network-Administered-Through-Vaccines Transhumanism-The-Internet-of-Bodies-Central-Bank-Digital-Currency-Transhumanism-Great-Reset-Agenda-Explained (In 21 Minutes)
The Surveillance State Explained | The Surveillance State Explained Including- CBDCs, Street Lights That Kill & "They Are Listening In. If Your Device Has a Microphone They Are Listening. Your Cell Phone Is Listening
The Great Reset / COVID-19 Agenda Explained | Exposing The REAL Dr. Anthony Fauci | Get Tested to Make Sure You Have It. Get Tested with PCR Technology. Take a Toxic Drug to Cure You.
The Great Reset Agenda Explained | Yuval Noah Harari Describes "Digital Dictatorships, "Eliminating Privacy," and "Dictatorships Will Be More Efficient Than Democracies Democracy."
FTX | The FTX Collapse Explained | The Connection Between Sam Bankman-Fried, Democratic Fund Raising, SEX, Drugs & Creating a Billion Dollars Out of Thin Air?
CBDCs | Programmable Central Bank Digital Currencies Explained In 13 Minutes & 56 Seconds | "It Will Be Implanted UNDER YOUR SKIN." - Professor Richard Werner + CBDCs Featuring: Carlson, Beck, C. Fitts, Kiyosaki, Agustín Carstens, Werner &a
The Great Reset | The Surveillance State Explained Including: CBDCs, Street Lights That Kill & "They Are Listening In. If Your Device Has a Microphone They Are Listening. Your Cell Phone Is Listening And We Are Being Scored by A.I." - Aman
The Great Reset | The Internet of Bodies & The Fourth Industrial Revolution Agenda Explained “We Will Be Under Assessment In Every Aspect of Our Lives, What You Eat, Who You Date, How Much Energy You Use"