2 months agoBusinesses Nationwide Are Leaving Democrat-run Shithole Cities Due to Rampant Crime!Rogue Nation Eternal Militia
3 years agoTortured by the Gazpacho: Republican Lip Slip Nails Heart of Political Divide in this NationBill Whittle: Conservative Opinion | Humor
2 years agoAssassin Nation: Many Support Murder to Silence Opponents, Like Pro-Abortion Attack on KavanaughBill Whittle: Conservative Opinion | Humor
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3 years agoA Nation of Sheep: How Fear Keeps Us from Embracing a Glorious FutureBill Whittle: Conservative Opinion | Humor
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3 years agoYour Mind Holds the Future: How the Power of Imagination Destroys a Nation or Saves ItBill Whittle: Conservative Opinion | Humor
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4 months ago“ Trump “ & Biden 3.0 Freemason Handshake Proves SHITSHOW WILL CONTINUE !!!!VeteransAgainstTreason
2 months agoNATO’s Biolabs in Former Ukraine Worked on Bioweapon Targeting Scythian DNA (Russian, White Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, Chech, Croatian, Serb, Slovaks, Slovenians and many more)teddolbi