(1/2/2025) | AUDIO CHAT 136 | SG Sits Down Again w/ USAF Lt Col (Ret) Dr. Sandy Miarecki to Check-In w/ the Reinhabited Republic For These United States
USSF Mil. Op. #STORM - Pascal & Diana Najadi-Kennedy’Q’ - #WWG1WGA - God Bless the One Earth Nation Republic of the United States🇺🇸 and all fellow divine Human Species, Animals, our divine Earth #SemperSupra
Happy Birthday 🇺🇸Greetings on my Birthday today May 29th 2024 to all fellow divine Human Beings on our Divine Earth and Beyond. #WWG1WGA💫 Sincerely, President John F. Kennedy, United States Republic
Pascal Najadi: « FUCK YOU, JEWS & CABAL, WE FUCKED YOU ROYALLY » With ❤️from Paris, Capital of Earth Nation United States Republic, Sincerely, Pascal & Diana Najadi-Kennedy Kahlooni #WWWG1WGA 🤝 #SemperSupra 💫🎖️🎖️⚜️🎖️