Marlena Hackney | Legal U.S. Immigrant, Entrepreneur & Proud America, Marlena Hackney Shares What It Is Like to Live Under Communist Control & Why She Refused to Comply With the COVID-19 Lockdowns & Mandates
"Sacrificing Liberty" - Hear the shocking stories by the men who were there, aboard USS Liberty that fateful day! - INTRO Begins with Candace & Survivor Phillip Tourney
THE DAUGHTERS OF ZION, BLACKS & BLACK LATINO WOMEN CALLING BLACK MEN INSECURE & CONTROLLING...”dwell with them according to knowledge”🕎Ecclesiasticus 26:1-15 “If thy daughter be shameless, keep her in straitly, overmuch liberty”
Full exchange of Biden putting on a Trump 2024 hat: "I don't remember my name, I'm slow." Man: "You're an old fart." Biden: "I need that hat." Crowd: "Put it on!" Man: "I'm proud of you now,