Roundtable with Gene Decode and Kerry Cassidy, Hosted by Patriot Underground. — A Break From the Gaslighting “Plan” and an Update on the ET Agenda at This Time in Ukraine and Other Nations/Continents + a Good Dose of History! (12/12/22)
This is NOT Being Shared as a Fan, But as a Display of the Falling Apart of a Scanty, Deceptive, and Pure Desperate Fantasy Narrative as Much Sham as the NWO's! | Kerry Cassidy, Patriot Underground, and Janine of “Turn The Page”.
Humanity’s History and Their Ascension, and The Illuminati: Sacha Stone Gives a Beautiful Presentation and Explanation—After First Ripping into the Toxic “Christians” [Vs. the Original Krystic] | Patriot Streetfighter (4/6/23)
Cymatics, and the RAPE of the Natural [Harmonious—Thus Healing] Vibrational Resonance of EXISTENCE ITSELF! | Sacha Stone’s “Digital Workshop” Live on Patriot Streetfighter (Link in Description).
Scott McKay Interviews Patrick Byrne — The Man Who Gave Trump His Options [Including (the Declined) Military Intervention] Post Stolen Election 2020! | Patriot Streetfighter (8/25/23)