Mark of the Beast | "Paper Money Is Becoming Increasingly Worthless...They Are Bringing In These Programmable Central Bank Digital Currencies. This Digital Money Is Programmable. In Other Words Its Not Money, It's Vouchers." - Maajid Nawaz
CBDCS | "This Morning Marks the Launch the International Monetary Fund's New Paper Which Dives Into the Inner Workings of Central Bank Digital Currency." - Fred Kemp
El Salvador President | "Taxes Are Not Funding Government. Who Is Financing the Government? Government Is Financed By Treasury Bonds. Paper. And Who Buys the Treasury Bonds? Mostly the Fed. And How Does the Fed Buy Them? Printing Money."
CBDCs | "Paper Money Is Increasingly Becoming Worthless. The Life Span of Paper Money Is Coming to An End. So They Are Bringing In These Programmable Central Bank Digital Currencies. This Money Is Programmable." - Maajid Nawaz (Journalist)
Central Bank Digital Currencies | "The Rest of the World Is Actually Producing the Food, the Gold, The Machinery...The Rest of the World Is Saying Enough Of You Sending Us Your Toilet Paper." - Robert Kiyosaki (April 2023)
BRICS | "The U.S. Dollar Is Becoming An Unhinged Paper Currency." - Art Laffer (American economist & author who first gained prominence as a member of Reagan's Economic Policy Advisory Board.) + BRICS New Currency?