5 months ago5G Is A Weapon For Military Used W/Toxins In Everything Air Water Food Causes DisEase Death Etc!AetherMedia22 Tony Punch
1 year ago5G Is A Weapon Used By The Military With Toxins In Everything Air Water Food Creates Dis-Ease! IckeAetherMedia22 Tony Punch
1 year agoBarrio Logan San Diego Pollution 95% for Cancers, Respiratory Damage, Asthma Esp Children & ElderyVideos that Matter
1 year agoWater pollution in Japan allegedly caused by organic fluoride leakage from US military basesNewsline World
2 years agoEnvironmental PROTECTION POLLUTION Agency: EPA LIES To East Palestine Residents, REJECTS Water Filters & TestingStew Peters NetworkVerified
1 year agoMen Were Kept in Military Bases Being Eaten Alive Piece by Piece + Trapped in Terrestrial and Extra-Terrestrial States + Break the Silence, Military TribunalsJessie Czebotar Clips
2 months agoThe FIRES Are ''The Plan''🔥 This Is Disturbing! OffGridWithDougAndStacy 🎯SEE DESC🎯AetherMedia22 Tony Punch
3 months ago5G Towers Chemtrails Smart Meters Patents To Limit Hinder & Control Humanity In Every Way! Tony, AetherMedia22AetherMedia22 Tony Punch
3 months agoBird Flu Scam, Frequency Weapons To Take Total Control Of The Food Supply & Humanity! Joe Imbriano, The Fullerton Informer 🎯👀DESC🎯AetherMedia22 Tony Punch
3 months agoAre You Hearing Voices Or Feel Different! Its Prob Because Their Using Silent Weapons On You! 🎯👀DESC🎯AetherMedia22 Tony Punch
8 months agoUsing the FAKE Science of Climate Claims to Implement Technocratic CONTROL over Humanity!Rogersings
1 year ago5G Towers Chemtrail Smart Meters Patents To Limit Hinder & Control Humanity In Every Way!AetherMedia22 Tony Punch