"Infamous" Self-Proclaimed Enemy of the New World Order ALSO Claims NO Self-Victimhood and Promotes Law of Attraction Concepts Including Vision Boards!—You ARE Both if You are Sophisticated. | Luke Rudkowski, "We Are Change".
The Attempted Hijacking of the Spiritual Community Through [the Either Awfully Naive —OR— Fake “Guru” Sold Soul] Jay Shetty; the Like-Oprah Law of Attraction Exploiter! | Full Michelle Obama Interview with Jay Shetty
EXPLAINED: "God Only Helps Those Who Helps Themselves" (Law of Attraction). You MUST Understand the Video Game Concept Younger Lightworkers Understand! Thoughts/Feeling are One Step. ACTION is Required.. Albeit Inspired Action. | WEin5D, Archaix
Antifa Infiltration on Free Speech Platforms?—What Does That Even Look Like? + Vaccines Vs. Ascension and a Soul’s Contract, Commentary on Kerry Cassidy’s Latest New Year 2023 Update, and More!