3 years agoPouring wort back, airlock differences, forgetting to measure gravity, & how to sparge - Ep 228HomebrewHappyHour
4 years agoLandraces in hops & barley, Festbier vs Marzen, & Horst Dornbusch returns! - Ep. 213HomebrewHappyHour
4 years agoDiacetyl rest, filtering your beer, flow control disconnects, & force carbonation -- Ep. 198HomebrewHappyHour
4 years agoCleaning brew systems, storing uncarbed kegs of beer, post boil gravity, & keg maintenance - Ep. 204HomebrewHappyHour
4 years agoGrowing hops, what is food grade gas, fast fermentation activity, & a q about kombucha - Ep.202HomebrewHappyHour