2/12/25 Pritzker Crime family, Released from Russian prison, Tulsi confirmed, how money’s laundered, NYC kg kid given book to attend pride parade, Woke companies.
1/24/24 Nikola Tesla coils & programming good frequencies. Wifi, Smart Meters & dirty electricity! How to offset with Sound, light & numerical frequencies!
10/15/24 CBS lies @ stranded victims, what Blackrock is doing to USA & abroad, Graphene Confirmed In Dental Anaesthetics By U of Colorado, How to detox!Genocide 2020, how they did it.
2/27/24 5G & our kids, are you frying their brains? NWO wants you tired, how they’re succeeding! Unlawful surveillance, right outside your house! How to fight back!
8/11/24 War on Music, rock and roll How many more musicians besides Jimi Hendrix were targeted by US Intel agencies? FBI/CIA Directors became involved in our News corporations!
2/16/24 Evil origin of Statue of Liberty? How the elite, steal/stole our wealth “legally”! Shocking Disney pilot never aired! Ukraine is money laundering! Exploring J6!
2/28/24 Oliver Stone Putin Interview/Ukraine coup! Our US govt coups & how they’re done! Tucker Carlson exposes the national security state as the main driver of censorship and election interference in the United States!