Half Black/Puerto Rican Far-Left Wokeist Discovers and Learns That Her Ancestors Owned Slaves.. and That..... THAT'S LIFE and That's How it Goes (or at Least Went). Not That She Seems Ready for the Next Logical Step—MOVE ON.
THIS is How Humanity Defeats The Illuminati: 11 GOP States Sue BlackRock, State Street, and Vanguard For Purposely Sabotaging The Energy Supply! | WE in 5D: ALEX JONES COULDN'T HAVE EXECUTED THIS SPEECH BETTER.
So, The White Hats are The Illuminati without the Child Sacrifice — Big Whoop.. Your Life isn't Going to Change, You'll Still Be Taxed When TAXATION IS THEFT, and the World isn't Going to 5D/New Earth This Way! | Jean Nolan, INSPIRED.