(11/6/2024) | AUDIO CHAT 116 | SG Sits Down w/ Patriot and JudicialPedia Founder JW Grenadier: Updates on Judicial Corruption and Peoples' Grand Juries
DeSantis: "Today I'm announcing a petition with the Supreme Court of Florida to impanel a statewide grand jury to investigate any wrongdoing in Florida with respect to the COVID-19 vaccines."
Governor Ron DeSantis Petitions Florida Supreme Court for Statewide Grand Jury on COVID-19 Vaccines and Announces Creation of the Public Health Integrity Committee On December 13, 2022, in News Releases, by Staff
State Senators And Frontline Doctor Have All The EVIDENCE TO INDICT CDC Officals For VIOLATING FEDERAL LAW And File Unprecedented GRAND JURY PETITION — Here’s What The CDC Is Doing To Get Away With Mass Murder