Think Texas and Florida are the Best? Think Again… - Lt. Governor Matt Pinnell; Leaky Gut, Dyslexia, ADHD, Eye Connection - Dr. Troy Spurrill | FOC Show
As the Middle East Moves to War, Where are Biden & Harris? What Interest Does the U.S. Have in Who Governs Venezuela? Glenn Returns from South Africa: Why is the Country So Pro-Palestinian? | SYSTEM UPDATE #309
KATIE HOBBS DIDN’T WIN ARIZONA GOVERNOR! Massive Maricopa County Misconduct, Maladministration & Fraud Makes ’22 Election NULL & VOID. If MAJORITY Led Republicans Would’ve INVESTIGATED & Impeached, KARI LAKE Would’ve Signed Same Day El
Texas Governor Takes Note of 402 Acre Islamic Community That Could Become No Go Zone and How Some “Christian” Ministers Have Helped Build This Massive National Security Threat
KATIE HOBBS MUST BE REMOVED AS ARIZONA GOVERNOR NOW! Massive Evidence Proves Election ILLEGAL. Mayes NOT AG, Gallego NOT Senator! “Investigation” Is 1 Year Old & NOTHING WILL HAPPEN-Criminals Protecting Each Other. President Trump MUST INVESTIGATE