Roko Basilisk | How Did Elon Musk Meet Grimes, the Mother of Lil' X ? | Explaining Roko’s Basilisk: Horrifying AI Thought Experiment + What Is Operation Paperclip (1945)? "Rococo basilisk" - Elon Musk (May 7th 2018)
Elon Musk | Want to Know Absolutely Everything That Has Happened Up to Now? Who Funded Elon Musk's Purchase of Twitter? Why Did Elon Musk Buy Twitter? What's the Horrifying Roko Basilisk AI Thought Experiment?
The Second Coming of Jesus Christ!!! | Are We On the Verge of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ? Why Are Interfaith Leaders Introducing New 10 Commandments from the Top of Mt. Sinai? (See Show Notes for FACTS & SCRIPTURES Referenced)
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