CIVIL WAR... What About it? (Preview) | WE in 5D: A Sleek New Edit of My 2nd Appearance on the Speakeasy Podcast by Perseus of Argos Can be Found at the Indie R Rumble Channel ⇩
"You Can't SHOCK Someone into Understanding...... One Does Not Cast Pearls to Swine" (Preview) | WE in 5D: A Sleek New Edit of My 2nd Appearance on the Speakeasy Podcast by Perseus of Argos Can be Found at the Indie R Rumble Channel ⇩
POWERFUL IN-STUDIO INTERVIEW: General Michael Flynn Joins Alex Jones To Warn The World About The Rapid Escalation Toward Nuclear War Between The West and Russia!
WW3 EXCLUSIVE: A Cease-Fire Between Ukraine & Russia Is Secretly Being Negotiated Behind The Scenes By President Trump & Elon Musk + Russia Successfully Simulated A Nuclear Attack That Can Evade NATO Defenses With Their ICBM Strike On Ukraine.
ALL 11K SUBSCRIBERS SHOULD BE WATCHING THIS OR I DON'T KNOW WHY YOU'RE SUBSCRIBED: Channeled Messages From the 9D Pleiadian Collective | Reuben Langdon Interviews Wendy Kennedy