Clay Clark Client Success Story | Celebrating 200% Growth of “Last Year Was Our Best Year Ever We're Working Less & Making More! Every Dollar of Coaching Has Returned 100 Times." - David Frasier
PETE HEGSETH: "In a world where America is $37 trillion in debt, resources will not be unlimited — so every dollar we can find that isn't being spent wisely is one we can put toward warfighters”
Business Podcast | The Importance of ONLY Marketing to Your Ideal & Likely Buyers + “Last Year Was Our Best Year Ever We're Working Less & Making More! Every Dollar of Coaching Has Returned 100 Times." -
Gold | "$10k Gold on the Horizon?" - (May 22nd 2024) + "You Could Make a Case for $5-7K Gold. There Have Been Several Times Where Every Dollar of U.S. Currency Was Backed By $1.40 Worth of Gold." -