What Is Executive Order 14067? (Part 1) | Does the Central Bank Digital Currency / Programmable Currency / Mark of the Beast / Social Credit Score System Begin On December 13th 2022?
Central Bank Digital Currencies | "Citibank Announces That It Is Able to Convert Customers Deposits Into Digital Blockchain-Based Tokens. JP Morgan Exploring Private Blockchain Based Deposit Tokens. Banks Able to Determine How Cash Can Be Used."
CBDCs | "Cash Is to Be Abolished and Replaced By a Digital Currency. This Will Be Allocated to Or Taken Away from Every Person In the World Who Can Then Be Found Anywhere At Anytime Via Various Tracking Systems." - Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
CBDCs | Grant Cardone "Banks Are Not Carrying Cash Because They Are Fractionalized Banking." + Steve Forbes, & Catherine Austin Fitts Explain How Central Bank Digital Currencies Work