BRICS | MUST WATCH | Why Did Putin Say? "The West Is Sawing Off the Branch On Which It Has Been Sitting." Dedollarization Explained By: Putin, Bannon, Trump, Kiyosaki, Malmgren, Werner, Harari, Schectman, Soros, Carstens & Bet-David
Dane Wigington | Weather Modification | How Is Weather Modification Impacting Earth? + "CBDCs, It Will Be Implanted UNDER YOUR SKIN." - Professor Werner w/ SPECIAL Guests David & Stacy Whited + "We Will Engineer Bodies." - Yuval
BRICS | MUST WATCH | Why Did Putin Say? "The Western World Is Discrediting Its Own Currencies & Banking System." Dedollarization Explained By: Putin, Bannon, Trump, Kiyosaki, Malmgren, Werner, Harari, Schectman, Carstens & Bet-David
Hercules II: The Adventures Of Hercules (1985 Full Movie) | Adventure-Fantasy/Sword-and-Sandal | Lou Ferrigno, Milly Carlucci, Sonia Viviani, William Berger.