The Great Reset | The Great Reset, BRICS & De-Dollarization Explained + Why Have Brazil, Russia, India, China & South Africa Been Hoarding the Earth's Gold for the Past 16 - 17 Years?
Transhumanism | The Transhumanism & Agenda 2030 Vision Explained (Part 2) | Black Mirror, Brave New World & Upload with Investigative Journalist Amber May | Is There A Connection Between the Agendas of Elon Musk & Yuval Noah Harari?
Transhumanism | The Transhumanism & Agenda 2030 Vision Explained | Black Mirror, Brave New World & Upload with Investigative Journalist Amber May | Is There A Connection Between the Agendas of Elon Musk & Yuval Noah Harari?
Hyperinflation | Is Hyperinflation Found In Revelation 6:5-6? + The History of the "PETRODOLLAR" Explained | "Over 70% of All $100 Bills In the World Are Actually Outside of U.S. If Oil Starts Trading In Non Petrodollars, It Will Be Worse T
David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger & Klaus Schwab | David Rockefeller Explains How He Recruited Henry Kissinger + Jan. 17th 2017 Trump Sworn In As President As China's President Xi Jinping Delivered New World Order Speech With Kissinger & Sch
As In the Days of Noah | "But As the Days of Noah Were, So Shall the Coming of the Son of Man Be." - Matthew 24:37 | What Was It Like In the Day of Noah? 40 Biblical Prophecies Being Fulfilled Right Now?
Yuval Noah Harari | "The Rights Guaranteed In the Constitution Are Not Based On Divine Commandment...In the 10th Commandment There Is An Endorsement of Slavery." Why Does Yuval Noah Harari Want to Change the Times & the Laws | Daniel 7:25
Palestine | Why Is China Involved In a "Strategic Partnership" w/ Palestine? | Hamas, Gen Chapter 6, Matthew Chapter 24:37, Rev 16: 12-14 + Why Did China & Russia Team Up & the False Prophet Show Up When the Euphrates River Dried Up?
Yuval Noah Harari | "We Don't Have to Wait Until Christ's Second Coming In Order to Overcome Death. A Couple of Geeks In A Laboratory Can Do It. Science Is About Transforming Humans Into Gods." - Daniel 7:25 | Yuval Wants to Change Tim
Antichrist | Understanding the Unholy Trinity: The Antichrist, The False Prophet & Satan | Understanding the Connection Between Matthew 24, The Book of Revelation, the Drying Up of The Euphrates, the Mark of the Beast & the False Prophet
David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger & Klaus Schwab | David Rockefeller Explains How He Recruited Henry Kissinger + Jan. 17th 2017 Trump Sworn In As President As China's President Xi Jinping Delivered New World Order Speech With Kissinger & Sch
Thanksgiving | Pastor Jack Hibbs Discusses Israel-Hamas War & Biblical Prophecy + "But As the Days of Noah Were, So Shall the Coming of the Son of Man Be." Matthew 24:37 | What Was It Like In the Day of Noah? 40 Biblical Prophecies Being Ful
Censorship | "The Only Way to Ensure That Unelected NGOs Survive, Is To Censor the RIGHT WING Who Criticize Them & Hold Them to Account." - Richard W. Edelman (CEO of Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. PR) + UN Secretary General On Censorship
Palestine | Where Did the Name Palestine Come From? | Did You Know That In 135 AD, the Roman Emperor Hadrian Crushed the Jewish Revolt & Changed the Name of Israel to Palestina (Phillistine In Latin)? | Ezekiel 38, Hamas, Gaza, & Israel Explained