Tipping Point | Has America Reached Its Tipping Point? "Whole Place Was Cheering! He Walks Out w/ Kid Rock & Tucker Carlson, Walking In Like the Right Wing American Avengers!" - Joe Rogan + 40 Bible Prophecies Being Fulfilled Simultaneously?
"Moderna Made $100,000 In 2019 for the Whole Year. I Remember Walking After DAVOS Into the Office of My Manufacturing & Asking How Can We Make A Billion Next Year? We Need to Make a Billion Next Year, There's Going to Be a Pandemic."
CBDCs | Gilbert Verdian the CEO of QUANT Shares His Dystopian Vision for the Future | "Where We Are Heading Is Smart Cities and 5G. Imagine You Are Walking Into a Building and Every Censor You Walk Pass Knows That It's You."
CBDCs | Gilbert Verdian the CEO of QUANT Shares His Dystopian Vision for the Future - Where We Are Heading Is Smart Cities and 5G. Imagine You Are Walking Into a Building and Every Censor You Walk Pass Knows That It's You"
Moderna | "Moderna Made $100,000 In 2019 for the Whole Year. I Remember Walking After DAVOS Into the Office of My Manufacturing & Asking How Can We Make A Billion Next Year? We Need to Make a Billion Next Year, There's Going to Be a Pandemic