Central Bank Digital Currencies | Is the Weaponization of Weather, the Medical System & Our Monetary System Happening NOW?! Why Is Bill Gates Pushing a Plan to Chop Down 70 Million Acres of Trees? + Updates from Senator Wendy Rogers
Bill Gates | Why Is Bill Gates Pushing a Plan to Chop Down & Bury 70 Million Acres of Trees to ‘Fight Global Warming’? Why Is Bill Gates Wanting to Ban Cows? "Science Is Mainly About Gaining Power, Gaining Power Over the World." - Yuval
Climate Change | "If We Actually Achieved Net Zero, At Least 50% of the Population Would Die of Hunger & Disease." - Patrick Moore (Former President of Greenpeace Canada) | Why Is Bill Gates Planning to Chop Down & Bury 70 Million Acres
You MUST WATCH THIS. down right shocking. Alex Jones to Sue FBI and CIA After Undercover Video Reveals Feds Targeted Him and “Took His Money Away… Chop His Legs Off”
In the globalist Plan to "Build Back Better" Whatever They Want & Wherever they want, Now Privateering Profiteer Bill Gates Pushes Plan to Chop Down 70 Million Acres of Trees to "Fight Global Warming"